Dad’s Day Done Right
Dad’s Day Done Right

Dad’s Day Done Right

Wyoming. Four dads hunting coyotes and killing prairie
dogs. What a great way to celebrate Father’s Day. Course, I called
my Dad this morning. Modern technology allows even hillbillies to
communicate cross country. Also got texts and voice messages from
all my kids…and my wife who is at home taking care of them. My
friend would say I’m a lucky guy but I don’t think luck has any
thin to do with it. My Dad raised me right…taught me how to be a
man, a husband and a father. Without that education I wouldn’t be
here in Wyoming with four other good dads shooting Mossbergs, having fun celebrating
our freedoms while wishing I was at home with my family. But
that’s OK the three other dads and me are all very glad we have
something we do miss. Thanks Dad!