Should I buy this rifle?
SShhoouulldd II bbuuyy tthhiiss rriiffllee??

Should I buy this rifle?

5 shots – 0.653

In a couple weeks I will be taking the Precision Hunter Course from Magpul
. The class is taught by one of the best rifle
shooting instructors I know, Caylen Wojcik. During this class I
will be shooting a Weatherby Vanguard Range Certified
e. In case you are unfamiliar with this “Range
Certified” version of a Weatherby, it means the rifle is guaranteed
to shoot sub-MOA groups with good ammo. That’s a bold claim!
Knowing I would need good ammo for the class, I ordered 200 rounds
of Federal Premium .270 Winchester loads
which are topped off with a 130 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip. The other day
the rifle arrived and a I mounted Nightforce’s newest Compact
riflescope and boresighted the rifle. My first five shot group was
outstanding! So, I’m wondering…Should I buy this rifle? To reed a
full report on the Precision Hunter Course and how the rifle and I
performed, check upcoming issues of NRA’s
American Rifleman
. Also, a full review of Nighforce’s newest – soon to be
released – Compact riflescope will be published in NRA’s
Shooting Illustrated

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