In an effort to support a future dissertation on the logic associated with concealed carry permits and training, I’ve assembled a few polls. I’m interested to see the results and am open to comments too:
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In reality, the second amendment is nothing more than a memory! (It’s utterly void of original intent and no longer recognized by our police) The police are the main problem with the second amendment. The police are the natzi’s enforcing government laws that incarcerate the good citizens.
What is the difference between the German Natzi’s, Gastapo, KGB, and the Police? Nothing, they all enforce laws in favor of government and against the citizenry.
Words such as american, the flag, or our soldiers, all suggest freedom and rights, but in truth, there is no longer freedom; everything/everybody is monitored and taxed.
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Surely you know what answers to expect by visitors to this blog. For your dissertation I hope you are posting this poll on the enemies websites in addition to this site. I would equate it to asking what readers think of chevy trucks over at Ford Truck Fanatics.
Q. Who should establish the minimums for mandatory training required to obtain a concealed carry permit?
A. Myself
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Rather than minimum hours of training, what if the requirement was to hold a minimum set of skills?
Perhaps that is the intent behind the hours, but we all know that time spent does not equal skills or knowledge gained. Many Universities offer credits for “life experience” so someone who already has the skills does not need to take a class–however they may be required to take a test to demonstrate their abilities.
Consider driving–we all have to pass a test in order to get a license to drive. We have to learn the laws of the road as well as demonstrate our ability to drive a vehicle. Whether you sat in a classroom and studied or not is really irrelevant.
Failure to do so, in the face of clear evidence that the report is flawed, can only be interpreted as intentional fraud.
Most people wouldn’t consider wearing one but
they can be a good option for someone jogging or walking
a lot. As a result, piracy off the Somalia cost has dropped dramatically, from
49 in 2010, to 31 in 2011, and just a handful in 2012.