Lessons are hard things, no matter how many times you have to learn them. I hurt, she hurt worse. I felt calm, she made sure of that. I did not feel lost or alone; Grandpa prepared me for this. He was with me.
Lessons are hard things, no matter how many times you have to learn them. I hurt, she hurt worse. I felt calm, she made sure of that. I did not feel lost or alone; Grandpa prepared me for this. He was with me.
When talking about a mass murderer, have you ever heard someone say, “A person would have to be crazy to do that.”Well, guess what? They’re right. Blaming guns is the easy way out. Treating the real problem is unpopular, politically incorrect, and quite frankly, damned difficult. But until the cause—not the tool—is addressed, it will never, ever, end.
Janelle Cooper will forever remain as one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. And though we are all saddened at her passing, she lived an amazing and productive life that lasted just short of a century. If a person’s worth were to be measured by the impression they left on others, after but a few moments of interaction, none of us could afford to pay the taxes on her value.