The first Advanced Scout Rifle course at Gunsite Academy was a wonderful success. Over three days eight students worked scout rifles from up close and personal in the indoor simulators to beyond 250 yards in the outdoor simulators. We also shot moving targets and explored the “scout rifle” concept through discussion and by comparing rifles. I’ve suggested that next year the event be expanded to include somewhat of a competition and a conference to further investigate and explore this general purpose rifle concept.

I learned some things during the last three days. I discovered I could do things with a bolt-action rifle, with a 16 inch barrel and a 1.5X optic fitted with a German # 1 reticle, that I before thought were impossible. Some will offer that you cannot shoot a light rifle well. Weight is not the issue, balance is what matters. I also discovered that the definition of the “scout rifle” is a moving target. Cooper even admitted it was a work in progress and I believe that we can expand on his original ideas and indeed develop the ideal general purpose rifle.
I also experienced three days at Gunsite with the best shooters I have been associated with in a course there. All of the attendees could shoot very well. I’ve been at Gunsite with some good shooters so this is saying something. Was it the scout rifles or was it that folks who can shoot like scout rifles? I would readily take the seven students I shared the course with and pit them against seven of just about any other shooters I know – At least if scout rifles were the weapon of choice.
All of this has been a tremendous help with the Scout Rifle Study I am conducting. I’ve decided that this investigation will culminate in a book, as for the publisher and release date, I have no idea. One thing is for sure, 2015 is as I predicted, the year of the scout. At no time in history have we had more commercial available scout-like rifle options than now. I’m currently working with Melvin Forbes at New Ultra Light Arms trying to get him to produce a scout. If he does it will be the lightest and very likely the most accurate scout every conceived. And, next year it will be the envy of all in attendance.
All I can say now is, standby. This is going to get interesting.