With the shot at hand, I’ve watched hunters in the field wrestle with the magnification setting on their scope. I’ve seen shot opportunities vanish because of this fiddling around. In fact, I’ve experienced it myself. For that reason I keep my scope magnification on the lowest setting possible or at about 4X. Sometimes though, you need to make a pre-shot adjustment.
For example, the last Zebra I shot was at a bit over 200 yards and when I put the crosshairs on him I could see what appeared to be intervening brush. The scope was set at 3X, which was plenty of magnification for the shot, but I needed to make sure the brush would not be an issue. In order to do that I had to dial up the power and with the zebra being like zebra are, I knew I did not have long to mess around. It would have been an easier task had I had a neat little tool from MGM to help me.
Just the same, competitive shooters often need to adjust their magnification to help them make the best shot they can and lets face it, some scope magnification adjustments do not lend to operation without the application of fine motor skills. This is of course the reason Nightforce offers the Power Throw Lever on some of their riflescopes and its why MGM has started offering the Eagle Eye SwitchView Universal Scope Lever for those not enough lucky enough to have a Nightforce with a Power Throw Lever.

This device straps around the magnification adjustment dial and a large finger sticks up so that you can quickly and easily manipulate the magnification. While you might think it would be flimsy or cumbersome to install, its neither. I put one on in about five minutes and it proved to be rugged enough for the field. And, well, if it does happen to come off due to harsh use, its not like your scope is broke. The SwitchView dose not permanently alter the scope and one model will fit about any scope.
The only issue I found is that, depending on your scope and how you mount it, the lever could possibly interfere with the bolt handle when you cycle the action. For bolt gun users, sort this out before tightening down the lock screw. They sell for $ 22.00 each or you can pick up a three pack for $ 66.00. Oh, I almost forgot, whoever designed the packaging must have some really good vision. The print on the instructions was so fine I had to get my son, Bat, to read them to me.
I reckon I need one of them lever hickydoos on my eyeballs!

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