If you keep an open mind and try new things there are a number of results you can expect. You might learn something, a gorgeous woman might slap you and you could possibly die. Being the inquisitive person I am, I’ve exposed myself to new ideas, concepts and endeavors enough to experience results one and two. Fortunately, I’ve avoided the worst of the possible outcomes.
The last two weeks have been what I would call educational. It started with my 14-year-old son, Bat, suggesting we play a one on one game of basketball. I lost and learned he is growing up faster than I would like. Of course, my sport was wrestling and I still hold the edge there. For now.
I also gave a handgun with a reflex sight (Trijicon RMR) an honest attempt. For the first 100 to 150 rounds, I struggled to even find the dot. But then, like when you are learning to slip your arm behind a girl in a theater, things began to click. I find it hard to believe it possible to shoot 250 rounds through a similarly equipped pistol and not fall in love with the concept.

Another thing I tried was the Steyr Scout Rifle. Yes, I’d shot the platform before. Not extensively, just in a familiarization kind of way. I’ve also used scout scopes for hunting in the States and in Africa. I was less than sold on the concept. So unconvinced was I, that I have written negatively about the logic behind it.
My extended and educational stint with the Trijicon RMR equipped pistol, along with my recent involvements with an RMR on my CUR, was enough to push me to giving the Steyr Scout an honest try. (OK, I’ll admit that a feature article I’m working on for Guns & Ammo magazine had something to do with it too.) On top of that, I have a new range and new steel targets from MGM that needed breaking in.
I was wrong and Cooper, as usual, was right.
Now, I must go through the gun safe in an attempt to uncover several firearms I can sell to support the purchase of the Steyr Scout because, I will not send it back. Funny thing, when I was gun writing as a second job, the money I made was for guns and ammo. Now that I’m writing about guns full time, that money is for everything but. I’m in that; have to sell one to get one, gun-buying mode.
So, I encourage you to try something new, be it with guns, women or food. If you do give something a go, make it an honest go, otherwise you’ll not be in a position to provide an informed opinion. I’ve done that before but I’m still learning. Forgive me for my past misgivings.
You might try making a donation to the Empty Cases Steyr Scout Rifle Fund as something new to try. I’m just saying; it might make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
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