Growing Up
Growing Up

Growing Up

I’m still growing up and like it has always been, growing up can be fun and it can be hard. One hard part of growing up is watching our kids grow up. Sure, as fathers we can be proud of the young men our sons are becoming but at the same time we know they are moving further away from that innocence of youth.

For the last two days my 13 year old son, Bat, has been a student at Gunsite Academy. I’m here at Gunsite with him but I’m not in class with him. I’ve been doing the grown up things that put food on my family’s table.

Bat’s instructor is one of the best, Il Ling New, and she has been properly instructing Bat on the Modern Technique of the Pistol and the Art of the Rifle. She is building on the foundation I laid and rectifying some of the mistakes I have made. Today is Bat’s last day of training but last night at dinner, at the Little Thumb Butte Bed & Breakfast which is just a few minutes from Gunsite, Il Ling had some words of praise for Bat.

“He’s doing very well. He’s a perfectionist and catches on amazingly fast.”

I looked at Bat after Il Ling’s comment and he grinned that same grin I’m used to seeing anytime he does something he is proud of and I’m sure he saw the grin on my face too.

After dinner Bat and I went outside. I could tell he was tired but he insisted on practicing his basketball skills on the goal out in the driveway. In time we were walking back to the house and I put my arm around Bat and said, “Son, I’m proud of you. Not just because you are doing so good in your class , I’m proud of you because you are becoming your own man and because you are MY son.

Bat, smiled and said, “Dad, I’m proud of you too and not just because you are proud of me.”

I guess we are both growing up which is something that happens to a lot of folks who come to Gunsite. And, I guess, growing up ant all that bad. Bat may not agree but I sure wish I could figure out a way to keep growing up while not getting any older; I can still hold my own with Bat on the shooting range but he is flat kicking this old guy’s butt on the basketball court.

Yep, growing can be hard but it can also be a lot of fun.
