
Does Hole Size Matter?

When it comes to defensive-handgun cartridges and ammo, I have preferences and biases. But, I also acknowledge when it comes to stopping a bad guy with a handgun there are no absolutes. You cannot predict with any certainty how fast incapacitation will occur. Sure, central nervous system and spinal hits should be immediate and sometimes a hit anywhere is enough to change a felon’s mind. The problem is, there’s no guarantee of getting the former, and the latter might not incapacitate.

The Proof Switch

If you are rifle-poor like me, a multi-caliber rifle, capable of filling about any need you might have does not make a lot of sense. After all, that’s what I/you have all those other rifles for. However, there’s always the option of selling those other rifles and simplifying life. Like you’ve probably heard, beware the man with one rifle. Trust me, there is some truth to that.