That Smell

Humans are mostly creatures of sight but there are some sounds and smells we find very alluring. Some caffeine aficionados will perk up when they hear a pot of coffee perking. The same can be said if they smell coffee brewing. For gun guys there are other sounds and smells. Like the smell of fall, the sound of a whip-poor-will, the metallic sound …

Define Small

I’ll admit, I do have a thing for smaller caliber cartridges…as long as they go fast. Velocity matters. I know some like to take the big bullet side of the argument because big just sounds better to most folks. Velocity however can be very important. Velocity is why a .357 Magnum does more internal damage than a .38 Special. Velocity is why …

Testing Hunting Rifle Accuracy

When it comes to evaluating the accuracy of your rifle, how many groups of how many shots each should you fire? This has been a long-standing argument among rifle shooters and you’ll find that different gun magazines offer different evaluation standards depending on the gun, chambering and range. For example, I review a number of rifles each year for the National Rifle …