3-Gun competition is the fastest growing segment of competitive firearms shooting. Here is an interesting tidbit of information whether you like 3-Gunshooting or not. The last three, 3-Gun Nation champions won by pulling a Timney. Tommy Thacker is the 2012 Champion, Keith Garcia won it all in 2013 and Greg Jordan is the reining 2014 Champion.
I’m not surprised the winners are using Timney triggers, I just wonder why everyone isn’t.
I’ve been pulling a Timney for a long time and for me, Timney has become the standard by which all triggers are judged. When I ‘m pondering on a new rifle, a consideration is always if Timney is making a replacement trigger for it. If they aren’t and I buy it anyway, I usually call the guys at Timney and suggest they start making one.
That’s kinda – sorta what happened with one of the newest triggers Timney is offering for the Mossberg MVP. Timney sent me a sample to test but it was for the larger (.308 version) of the MVP. This rifle uses the same action as the Mossberg 4X4. I called my buddy T-Bone at Timney and said, “Dude, I need a Timney for the small MVP; the one in .223 Remington.”

A few weeks later a new test sample arrived. I installed it on one of my MVPs (CUR # 2) and it worked to perfection. So, I called T-Bone up again and said send me another. Now, both the CUR # 1 and the CUR # 2 have Timney triggers. In fact, since the CUR rifle was my idea and since I wrote the specs for it, I think I’ll add one more requirement; a CUR rifle must have a Timney Trigger. (Timney triggers for both the large and small Mossberg MVP should be available soon.)
What’s in your rifle? If its not a Timney, be careful what you put your trigger finger on. After all, you only have one trigger finger and sometimes you only get one shot!
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Actually I don’t miss all the time. In fact I can’t remember the last time I missed!
The key to not missing is to not take shots you cannot make.
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